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The effect of light intensity on the physiological and morphological characteristics of chickpea, like other crops, is of crucial importance.In order, the effects of shading on vegetative and reproductive growth of peas and also the intensity of the light yield, carried out an experiment via factorial in based on randomized complete block design with 3 replications in research farm on Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran during 2012-2013.Factors were including shading (no-shading, 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent) at different growth stages (vegetative and reproductive stages and all of growth duration). The results showed thatthe intensity of shading at different growth stages, significant effect on yield and yield components, chlorophyll content, dry matter pationing, remobilization photosynthesis. As shading had the most effect of on grain yield, hundred grin weight, number of seeds per plant, number of pods per plant,biological yield and harvest index at all of growth duration, reproductive and vegetative stages respectively. Biomass in 75, 50,25 and perfect shading at all of growth duration decreused 87.0, 73.3, 53.1 and 92,3 percent, compared to control, respectively. This value ware for grain yield 95.2, 80.8, 59.9 and 100 percent, ratio to control, respectively.
Key words: Shading, Light intensity, yield, growth, Chickpea.
Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Facultaty of Science and Agricultural Engineering
Department of Agronomy & Plant Breeding
M.Sc Thesis
Title of thesis:
The effect of light intensity on vegetative and reproductive growth stages of chickpea
Lida Yari-Kamrani
and approved by thesis committee: as excellent
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